Hi all!! If I still have anyone reading this, I apologize for not blogging more often. The summer is so short in the northland that I try to shove everything into a month of summer!
Silver Lining:
Well, let's see. Have you ever gotten into a fight with a person you love? It sucks right, it gets all emotional and frustrating. Guys don't seem like they are caring enough and the gals seem like they are overreacting. Well, here's the deal, at least you have someone that you care about that much! I mean, the reason we fight with loved ones is in part because we care so much about their opinions of us. Good for us if someone loves us that darn much that they are willing to fight for the relationship!
It could be worse:
You could have no one to fight with, you could live your life lonely.
Life Coach:
The next time you are fighting with a loved one try this, stop and smile and tell them how much you love them, how cute they are etc. I find that the more mature I get, the easier it is to do this. You really must care about them to have this work though. Trust me, I have been on both sides of this ledger.
Do the above, but don't get in a fight on purpose!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Hi all, I'm back from some out of town business!
Silver Lining:
Well, I had some financial woes and was pretty stressed but I have to give my girlfriend credit on this silver lining. I went over to see her and warned her that I was stressed out. She asked me why and I started bitching about my little crisis. She said with some relief in her voice, "Oh it's just money." At first I thought, what the heck but then I realized she just cut through it all. I still have my health, my family, a great woman who loves me (no idea how that happened), and great friends. I'm employed and love what I do. Thanks Tina!
It Could Be Worse:
I am still able to earn a living. Many people in this country are struggling, got laid off, lost their car dealerships that have been in their families for generations.
Life Coach:
When you have a problem, talk to someone you respect about it. They help! Oh, and when you have a friend or a loved one that needs you to listen, stop what you're doing and listen. You can and will make a difference in their lives.
Ask a friend/loved one how they are doing and listen listen listen.
Silver Lining:
Well, I had some financial woes and was pretty stressed but I have to give my girlfriend credit on this silver lining. I went over to see her and warned her that I was stressed out. She asked me why and I started bitching about my little crisis. She said with some relief in her voice, "Oh it's just money." At first I thought, what the heck but then I realized she just cut through it all. I still have my health, my family, a great woman who loves me (no idea how that happened), and great friends. I'm employed and love what I do. Thanks Tina!
It Could Be Worse:
I am still able to earn a living. Many people in this country are struggling, got laid off, lost their car dealerships that have been in their families for generations.
Life Coach:
When you have a problem, talk to someone you respect about it. They help! Oh, and when you have a friend or a loved one that needs you to listen, stop what you're doing and listen. You can and will make a difference in their lives.
Ask a friend/loved one how they are doing and listen listen listen.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hi everyone!
Silver Lining:
OK, I just got back from spending 3 days at my hunting place. I call it the Trabin cuz its a trailer house and I like to think of it as a cabin type get away. Of course one of my partners in the place Eric (Erck) hates that name so I use it as often as I can. Anyway, it really helped me get over some stress that has creeped into my life as of late. And having Tina there and Erck come up for a night was very helpful. I know stress can be a big bummer in life. It's hard to handle and can overwhelm you easily. But here is the silver lining, most situations pass and just aren't that big of a deal once you really break it all down. I have no idea how you deal with stress but I bet we all have a way that works (and many that don't).
It Could Be Worse:
Well, I guess the issues I have been dealing with are somewhat personal but suffice it to say, they could be far far worse. I have my health, 2 kids who love and respect me, great friends, and a chick who digs me more than I probably deserve.
Life Coach:
Try to focus on what is good in your life. I think we spend far too much time dwelling on what could be better when we need to spend some time being grateful.
List 5 things that make life worth living and just reflect on them.
Silver Lining:
OK, I just got back from spending 3 days at my hunting place. I call it the Trabin cuz its a trailer house and I like to think of it as a cabin type get away. Of course one of my partners in the place Eric (Erck) hates that name so I use it as often as I can. Anyway, it really helped me get over some stress that has creeped into my life as of late. And having Tina there and Erck come up for a night was very helpful. I know stress can be a big bummer in life. It's hard to handle and can overwhelm you easily. But here is the silver lining, most situations pass and just aren't that big of a deal once you really break it all down. I have no idea how you deal with stress but I bet we all have a way that works (and many that don't).
It Could Be Worse:
Well, I guess the issues I have been dealing with are somewhat personal but suffice it to say, they could be far far worse. I have my health, 2 kids who love and respect me, great friends, and a chick who digs me more than I probably deserve.
Life Coach:
Try to focus on what is good in your life. I think we spend far too much time dwelling on what could be better when we need to spend some time being grateful.
List 5 things that make life worth living and just reflect on them.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hi everyone, I'm going out of town until Sunday so I won't be blogging over the weekend.
Silver Lining:
Well, I went golfing last night and man did I suck! I mean I couldn't hit the ocean from the beach. It was frustrating because I had played a pretty good round a couple days ago. So where's the silver lining? I tell you what, I had a great time with my buddy Eric (Erck). We drank some beer and just had a hell of a time. I love golf but I suck and Erck never makes me feel badly about it. He just enjoys the day. It's hard to stay pissed when you golf with that guy!
It could be worse:
I'm just glad I still have the physical ability to golf, albeit badly! I can't imagine how it must feel to really want to do something fun and not have the ability.
Life Coach:
Remember, you can choose to have fun or be mad when bad golf rounds happen. Just remember those less fortunate than yourself.
Spend some time with your buddies! That's what life is all about! Thanks Erck!!!!
Silver Lining:
Well, I went golfing last night and man did I suck! I mean I couldn't hit the ocean from the beach. It was frustrating because I had played a pretty good round a couple days ago. So where's the silver lining? I tell you what, I had a great time with my buddy Eric (Erck). We drank some beer and just had a hell of a time. I love golf but I suck and Erck never makes me feel badly about it. He just enjoys the day. It's hard to stay pissed when you golf with that guy!
It could be worse:
I'm just glad I still have the physical ability to golf, albeit badly! I can't imagine how it must feel to really want to do something fun and not have the ability.
Life Coach:
Remember, you can choose to have fun or be mad when bad golf rounds happen. Just remember those less fortunate than yourself.
Spend some time with your buddies! That's what life is all about! Thanks Erck!!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hi all. I've been out working at my hunting place etc. I'm going to try and update this blog more often.
Silver Lining:
When we have trouble or problems with people we care about, why does it bother us so much? You know it's only because we care so darn much for them. The silver lining of these problems or challenges is at least we have them. I mean it's much better to have little issues from time to time and solve them. It really can make your relationship with that other person stronger. As long as you respect and truly care for someone it should all be good! Anytime you put some of your heart in someone else's hand it can be scary but what should be even more scary is the thought of never having close friends or a boyfriend/girlfriend.
It could be worse:
There are people out there that have given up on caring relationships. I feel bad for them. I would hate to go through life without having the great relationships that I do. So the next time you are frustrated with a loved one, just think about how it would feel if they weren't around.
Life coach:
Put yourself out there. Be vulnerable. I know it's scary but those that risk the most are often rewarded. Remember that the true measurement of your worth in this life are the people that care for you. Oh, and the only thing you can control is your own actions so love without a care in the world! Great things will follow!
Take an emotional risk with someone you care about. Stop thinking about the bad that could happen and set yourself up for success!
Silver Lining:
When we have trouble or problems with people we care about, why does it bother us so much? You know it's only because we care so darn much for them. The silver lining of these problems or challenges is at least we have them. I mean it's much better to have little issues from time to time and solve them. It really can make your relationship with that other person stronger. As long as you respect and truly care for someone it should all be good! Anytime you put some of your heart in someone else's hand it can be scary but what should be even more scary is the thought of never having close friends or a boyfriend/girlfriend.
It could be worse:
There are people out there that have given up on caring relationships. I feel bad for them. I would hate to go through life without having the great relationships that I do. So the next time you are frustrated with a loved one, just think about how it would feel if they weren't around.
Life coach:
Put yourself out there. Be vulnerable. I know it's scary but those that risk the most are often rewarded. Remember that the true measurement of your worth in this life are the people that care for you. Oh, and the only thing you can control is your own actions so love without a care in the world! Great things will follow!
Take an emotional risk with someone you care about. Stop thinking about the bad that could happen and set yourself up for success!
Monday, May 25, 2009
OK OK, I know its been awhile again. But geez, I've been busy having fun and living life!
Silver Lining:All right, here's the deal. I just got back up to our hunting/fishing getaway to get it ready for the summer and fall with the other two guys that partner with me. We went to start the water and there was a hole in the water heater! That was frustrating. The good news here is at least we have water, we bi-passed the heater so now we just have cold water. Hey, when we first had the place last year we didn't have hot water for a month or 2 and we lived. What a beautiful and peaceful place to spend the time.
It Could Be Worse:I could go back to not having a great place to go to hunt and fish! I mean this place rocks! Thanks to Trin (Bubba) for stumbling onto the place! Love ya man!
Life Coach:Find a place to unwind. Life is way to short and stressful! You owe it to yourself! Remember to take care of you, then all else will fall into place.
Homework:Unwind! Nuff said.
Silver Lining:All right, here's the deal. I just got back up to our hunting/fishing getaway to get it ready for the summer and fall with the other two guys that partner with me. We went to start the water and there was a hole in the water heater! That was frustrating. The good news here is at least we have water, we bi-passed the heater so now we just have cold water. Hey, when we first had the place last year we didn't have hot water for a month or 2 and we lived. What a beautiful and peaceful place to spend the time.
It Could Be Worse:I could go back to not having a great place to go to hunt and fish! I mean this place rocks! Thanks to Trin (Bubba) for stumbling onto the place! Love ya man!
Life Coach:Find a place to unwind. Life is way to short and stressful! You owe it to yourself! Remember to take care of you, then all else will fall into place.
Homework:Unwind! Nuff said.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hi there!
Silver Lining:
I woke up today and it was 34 degrees!! What the heck. Does crappy weather ever get you down? It sure gets me bummed from time to time. I WANT SOME SUMMER! Well, the good news is when summer does get here I am going to appreciate the heck out of it. No staying inside for me! I'm going to golf, fish, jetski etc. Remember to never take a beautiful day for granted!
It Could Be Worse:
I heard in Winnipeg it's supposed to snow! I also know that the North and South Pole aren't warm...OK I know I'm stretching here but geez.....34 degrees in May!!!!
Life Coach:
OK seriously, we get to choose what brings us down. If you let the weather get to you, that's your fault. Just try to make the most of the day you are given.
Be happy, it's your choice!
Silver Lining:
I woke up today and it was 34 degrees!! What the heck. Does crappy weather ever get you down? It sure gets me bummed from time to time. I WANT SOME SUMMER! Well, the good news is when summer does get here I am going to appreciate the heck out of it. No staying inside for me! I'm going to golf, fish, jetski etc. Remember to never take a beautiful day for granted!
It Could Be Worse:
I heard in Winnipeg it's supposed to snow! I also know that the North and South Pole aren't warm...OK I know I'm stretching here but geez.....34 degrees in May!!!!
Life Coach:
OK seriously, we get to choose what brings us down. If you let the weather get to you, that's your fault. Just try to make the most of the day you are given.
Be happy, it's your choice!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hi all, I've been a major blog slacker lately I know but I'm going to get better.
Silver Lining:
Ok, lately I've been working and hanging with my girlfriend. And then came today....mothers day. I'll tell you what, if your mother is still around you really need to tell her how much you appreciate her. I'm not going to get all sappy. I just wish I could call her but I can't. Silver Lining: I was able to for years. Oh and I still do appreciate her and I do. My buddy and I were talking about how we were raised. I have no complaints. My childhood was awesome!
It Could Be Worse:
I don't want to forget people that I care about. I mean, what if I didn't have the memories??
Life Coach:
When you do great things in life, succeed etc. just remember all the people in your life that have helped you along the way. I used to feel like I could do it all myself but I've realized that would A. suck and B. it's just not true.
Silver Lining:
Ok, lately I've been working and hanging with my girlfriend. And then came today....mothers day. I'll tell you what, if your mother is still around you really need to tell her how much you appreciate her. I'm not going to get all sappy. I just wish I could call her but I can't. Silver Lining: I was able to for years. Oh and I still do appreciate her and I do. My buddy and I were talking about how we were raised. I have no complaints. My childhood was awesome!
It Could Be Worse:
I don't want to forget people that I care about. I mean, what if I didn't have the memories??
Life Coach:
When you do great things in life, succeed etc. just remember all the people in your life that have helped you along the way. I used to feel like I could do it all myself but I've realized that would A. suck and B. it's just not true.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Hello all!
Today is a tough one for me. I just found out that a great person passed on. His name is Brian. Brian was a guy I went to school with. He was a bit older than me but always treated me like an equal and not some younger idiot. He sure could have, I was at times. We had some great times together. He had this great red Jeep and one night we were going into Portland with the top off. We went about 115 mph. Oh, and no doors either. Crazy I know but damn what a thrill. He had the thing all tricked out and he used to set off car alarms with the rumble it put out. I haven't seen him in years and man it makes me sad to know hes gone. Silver lining???? Well, I tell you what, I have nothing but great memories of him. I know I've said this before but all we can do in this life is hope that we have a positive impact on others. Brian sure did. I said a prayer today for him and I hope God treats him well. He deserves it!
It could be worse:
I'm just gonna say that every time a friend or loved-one passes on, I think I better get off my ass and get some shit done that I've been putting off. We're still alive! Let's enjoy every minute!
Life Coach:
Everyone should wake up and thank God that we get another day! Enjoy your kids (like mine in the picture above celebrating after a goal), spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or whomever! Consider this, what do you really want to do? Heck, just go do it! I was just talking to a friend who was frustrated with a person that wasn't treating her very well. I told her that there are only 2 types of people, builders and destroyers. You have the choice to hang out with the builders and let the destroyers negatively effect someone else.
Make a bucket list! Ten things that you want to accomplish!
Here's a start of mine.
Learn how to play the acoustic guitar
Own a home so I can buy a dog
Move to someplace warm
Write a book
Fish the amazon for Peacock Bass
Go to Argentina and hunt ducks and doves in the spring
Get in shape and go to the boundary waters for a week long canoe trip
Stay drunk for one week (I have a good shot at doing this one)
Become a motivational speaker
Win an argument with Eric and have him admit I was right.....in writing!
Please share your bucket lists with me. Maybe I'll publish them here!
Today is a tough one for me. I just found out that a great person passed on. His name is Brian. Brian was a guy I went to school with. He was a bit older than me but always treated me like an equal and not some younger idiot. He sure could have, I was at times. We had some great times together. He had this great red Jeep and one night we were going into Portland with the top off. We went about 115 mph. Oh, and no doors either. Crazy I know but damn what a thrill. He had the thing all tricked out and he used to set off car alarms with the rumble it put out. I haven't seen him in years and man it makes me sad to know hes gone. Silver lining???? Well, I tell you what, I have nothing but great memories of him. I know I've said this before but all we can do in this life is hope that we have a positive impact on others. Brian sure did. I said a prayer today for him and I hope God treats him well. He deserves it!
It could be worse:
I'm just gonna say that every time a friend or loved-one passes on, I think I better get off my ass and get some shit done that I've been putting off. We're still alive! Let's enjoy every minute!
Life Coach:
Everyone should wake up and thank God that we get another day! Enjoy your kids (like mine in the picture above celebrating after a goal), spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or whomever! Consider this, what do you really want to do? Heck, just go do it! I was just talking to a friend who was frustrated with a person that wasn't treating her very well. I told her that there are only 2 types of people, builders and destroyers. You have the choice to hang out with the builders and let the destroyers negatively effect someone else.
Make a bucket list! Ten things that you want to accomplish!
Here's a start of mine.
Learn how to play the acoustic guitar
Own a home so I can buy a dog
Move to someplace warm
Write a book
Fish the amazon for Peacock Bass
Go to Argentina and hunt ducks and doves in the spring
Get in shape and go to the boundary waters for a week long canoe trip
Stay drunk for one week (I have a good shot at doing this one)
Become a motivational speaker
Win an argument with Eric and have him admit I was right.....in writing!
Please share your bucket lists with me. Maybe I'll publish them here!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Well, I know I haven't posted in a bit. Been busy taking care of some things. Nothing I want to get into here but suffice it to say, they haven't been exactly the most positive in the world.
Silver Lining:
Have you ever felt like you are the only broke SOB around? Well lately I have. I had some unforeseen expenses come up and BANG! no money. Well, I don't mind telling you it freaked me out but the good news here is I'm still able to go to work and earn. I should be thankful of that fact. Soon I'll have money again. Maybe everyone out there could just send a couple thousand my way! I know you guys all have extra money right?
It Could Be Worse:
My buddy hurt his back years ago and has been on permanent disability. He wants to work but is unable. Man, I feel for that guy. And with it all, he still maintains a pretty damn good attitude.....while in pain no less.
Life Coach:
Money has never bought me anything that truly made me happy. I make me happy. Me and me alone. We are all responsible for our own mindset. Its not wanting what you don't have but really having what you truly want that counts.
Make the decision to be happy regardless of your circumstances. It's your choice!
Silver Lining:
Have you ever felt like you are the only broke SOB around? Well lately I have. I had some unforeseen expenses come up and BANG! no money. Well, I don't mind telling you it freaked me out but the good news here is I'm still able to go to work and earn. I should be thankful of that fact. Soon I'll have money again. Maybe everyone out there could just send a couple thousand my way! I know you guys all have extra money right?
It Could Be Worse:
My buddy hurt his back years ago and has been on permanent disability. He wants to work but is unable. Man, I feel for that guy. And with it all, he still maintains a pretty damn good attitude.....while in pain no less.
Life Coach:
Money has never bought me anything that truly made me happy. I make me happy. Me and me alone. We are all responsible for our own mindset. Its not wanting what you don't have but really having what you truly want that counts.
Make the decision to be happy regardless of your circumstances. It's your choice!
Monday, April 27, 2009
OK, I'm back from lovely Minot, ND!
Silver Lining:
Well, last night I drove back from Minot in a snow storm.....and it's almost May! The roads were horrible and I couldn't drive over about 32 MPH! But you know what? I made it home alive. I said a prayer for my passengers. My boy, my buddy and his boy. It worked. We saw people go into the ditch. Stopped for the one young fella and when I got home i was sure happy to be there!
It Could Be Worse:
I have 4 wheel drive. Darn near everyone out there that didn't have it went into the ditch!
Life Coach:
Remember the times that were tough, scary whatever. But remember that you got through them. Sometimes we tend to forget the good feeling when we make it through crap like that. We should feel grateful more than we do.
Think about a time that was tough as hell and what you did and learned by getting through it.
Silver Lining:
Well, last night I drove back from Minot in a snow storm.....and it's almost May! The roads were horrible and I couldn't drive over about 32 MPH! But you know what? I made it home alive. I said a prayer for my passengers. My boy, my buddy and his boy. It worked. We saw people go into the ditch. Stopped for the one young fella and when I got home i was sure happy to be there!
It Could Be Worse:
I have 4 wheel drive. Darn near everyone out there that didn't have it went into the ditch!
Life Coach:
Remember the times that were tough, scary whatever. But remember that you got through them. Sometimes we tend to forget the good feeling when we make it through crap like that. We should feel grateful more than we do.
Think about a time that was tough as hell and what you did and learned by getting through it.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hi there! Just a note, I'm going out of town without computer access till Sunday night so enjoy your weekend and I'll blog again next week.
Silver Lining:
So here's a situation that was/is difficult to convert to a positive but here goes. I wasn't there for my girlfriend when she needed me. I had no idea she needed me, I was self absorbed in what I was doing and just didn't pay attention. So where's the silver lining? I think she's going to forgive me. She's got a great heart and I don't know if I deserve her but man I tell you, the people I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know have made my life much better.
It Could Be Worse:
What if there wasn't anyone in your life that cared enough about you to be upset when you weren't there for them? Hey at least she digs me enough right?
Life Coach:
Learn from me, pay attention to the ones that you care for, sometimes you don't get a second chance. What else is more important?
Pay attention to your loved ones! Heck, fight for feedback, ask em how they're doing and attend to the conversation.
Silver Lining:
So here's a situation that was/is difficult to convert to a positive but here goes. I wasn't there for my girlfriend when she needed me. I had no idea she needed me, I was self absorbed in what I was doing and just didn't pay attention. So where's the silver lining? I think she's going to forgive me. She's got a great heart and I don't know if I deserve her but man I tell you, the people I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know have made my life much better.
It Could Be Worse:
What if there wasn't anyone in your life that cared enough about you to be upset when you weren't there for them? Hey at least she digs me enough right?
Life Coach:
Learn from me, pay attention to the ones that you care for, sometimes you don't get a second chance. What else is more important?
Pay attention to your loved ones! Heck, fight for feedback, ask em how they're doing and attend to the conversation.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hi everyone!
Silver Lining:
Well its Sunday. My favorite day of the week! Yesterday i spent the day getting a tattoo to cover over one that I got when I was about 20. It had my ex-wife's name on it. Here's some obvious advice.....don't ever do that! So the process of getting a tattoo was painful. I know maybe I'm just being a wimp here but I was in the chair for over 4 hours. The silver lining here is the people at Tank's Tattoos in Glyndon, MN were great! I had my girlfriend with as well so it was much better than going alone. Check out the pick of the tattoo here. In the cross you can see the initials J L S. Those are Jason Stadstad's initials. He was a young man that died of cancer way too young. Great kid, great family and I told his mother Shelly that I would get a J L S tattoo. Further, the wings symbolize his freedom (in death) from the cancer. The cross speaks to the young mans faith. Anyway here it is.
It Could Be Worse:
Hey, I'm glad all the people at Tanks were great. I'm sure there are some horrible tattoo experiences out there but this definitely wasn't one of them. Tanks specializes in fixing other tattoo artists screw ups. They are very good. The gal that did mine has tattooed band members from Cinderella and Firehouse!
Life Coach:
Just go for it, don't worry about what others think. The courageous are rewarded! You want to get inked, do it!
Do something that you have been thinking about but are a bit afraid to do!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hello all, hope you're having a great week!
So for those of you that know me well you know I have an unhealthy fascination with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland. I joke but I think she's a great looking gal and from the interviews etc. that I have seen, she hasn't let her fame get to her head. Well guess what?? I'm going to see her in concert tonight! For all of us that aren't getting any younger it's gonna be a late night but worth it.
But what I'm getting at here is it's OK to have people that we look up to and admire. Entertainment has been around since the dawn of time. It's there to allow us a slight respite from the realities of life. I maintain that music is food for the soul (if you believe in that). Either way, we all have a song that makes us smile. Every person that has the ability to create a song from nothing that makes us smile truly is a blessing. The silver lining here should be obvious but there is one thing to be cautious of, don't fall into the trap of being envious. Just enjoy! We all have things we excel at, if it isn't music then just enjoy those that got that set of genes.
It could be worse:
What if music was difficult to come by? What if you weren't able to hear? Man, forget it. A day without music would be sad. Ask around, I sing, whistle, play the bass, listen to music (way to loud usually) every day. If you are able to freely listen.....then thank your lucky stars.
Life coach:
I was talking to my landord Marlys the other day and she said her sister has been able to decrease her blood pressure by meditating. Not in the traditional sense but by putting on some soothing music and just relaxing. She said her sister now cherishes these quiet times. On a related note did you know a recent study showed that when you listen to classical music your brain activity increases? Hey don't discount the magic of music!
Turn down the lights, turn off the tv, get comfy, turn on some great music, shut your eyes and just relax. It may help to visualize a place of contentment. If you try it, drop me a note. I would love to here how it went.
So for those of you that know me well you know I have an unhealthy fascination with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland. I joke but I think she's a great looking gal and from the interviews etc. that I have seen, she hasn't let her fame get to her head. Well guess what?? I'm going to see her in concert tonight! For all of us that aren't getting any younger it's gonna be a late night but worth it.
But what I'm getting at here is it's OK to have people that we look up to and admire. Entertainment has been around since the dawn of time. It's there to allow us a slight respite from the realities of life. I maintain that music is food for the soul (if you believe in that). Either way, we all have a song that makes us smile. Every person that has the ability to create a song from nothing that makes us smile truly is a blessing. The silver lining here should be obvious but there is one thing to be cautious of, don't fall into the trap of being envious. Just enjoy! We all have things we excel at, if it isn't music then just enjoy those that got that set of genes.
It could be worse:
What if music was difficult to come by? What if you weren't able to hear? Man, forget it. A day without music would be sad. Ask around, I sing, whistle, play the bass, listen to music (way to loud usually) every day. If you are able to freely listen.....then thank your lucky stars.
Life coach:
I was talking to my landord Marlys the other day and she said her sister has been able to decrease her blood pressure by meditating. Not in the traditional sense but by putting on some soothing music and just relaxing. She said her sister now cherishes these quiet times. On a related note did you know a recent study showed that when you listen to classical music your brain activity increases? Hey don't discount the magic of music!
Turn down the lights, turn off the tv, get comfy, turn on some great music, shut your eyes and just relax. It may help to visualize a place of contentment. If you try it, drop me a note. I would love to here how it went.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hello all. I would love some feedback on what you'd like to see me talk about here. Just shoot me an email at mikemoody88@gmail.com or comment here on the blog.
Silver lining:
Well, I think I'm getting over the blues from the anniversary of my Mom's passing. Thank you to everyone that had me in their thoughts and prayers. It seems that whoever is up there in charge gives and takes away. While my Mother is no longer here, I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in the last couple years. I have been through some crap but for every negative thing that has happened (divorce, not seeing my kids all the time, Mom passing) I have been blessed with great friends.
Recently I went back to Oregon and my great friend Lisa set up a mini reunion of sorts. I got to see my old band mates and we jammed. What a blast. I've also been talking to my oldest buddy Chris Leader on a regular basis. They just don't make em better than that guy.
Also, I have gotten closer to Trin, Eric, Todd, Larry, Jerry, and Rick. Some great buddies here that have helped me through a lot. Helped me laugh, listened and told me I'm full of shit (shut up Eric). A special thanks here to Trin. Without you buddy, I have no idea how I would have made it through the D word!
But today I want to introduce someone who has become a big part of my life recently. Her name is Tina. We have been seeing each other for a short while and well, she is someone I hope to be hanging around for awhile. You see, she has been a single mother and has her PHD. Yep, she's a doc. There's a lot to respect there. And for those of you who know me, I have to have someone that can kick my ass once in awhile and she can. She does Tai Kwon Do (did I spell that right?) and she's just a couple belts away from getting her black belt. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce her because she may become a part of my posts in the future. And she's proof that the silver lining I talk about is real.
It could be worse:
Luckily I was born without the shy gene or I may have never met her.... or others in my life as well.
Life Coach:
Expect the positive and the positive will happen. Since I got divorced, actually for longer than that, I had a suspicion that there were great women out there. I was right. Sometimes the grass is greener, take a chance, be courageous. It may pay off.
Take a chance that you can improve your lot in life. Stay positive!
Silver lining:
Well, I think I'm getting over the blues from the anniversary of my Mom's passing. Thank you to everyone that had me in their thoughts and prayers. It seems that whoever is up there in charge gives and takes away. While my Mother is no longer here, I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in the last couple years. I have been through some crap but for every negative thing that has happened (divorce, not seeing my kids all the time, Mom passing) I have been blessed with great friends.
Recently I went back to Oregon and my great friend Lisa set up a mini reunion of sorts. I got to see my old band mates and we jammed. What a blast. I've also been talking to my oldest buddy Chris Leader on a regular basis. They just don't make em better than that guy.
Also, I have gotten closer to Trin, Eric, Todd, Larry, Jerry, and Rick. Some great buddies here that have helped me through a lot. Helped me laugh, listened and told me I'm full of shit (shut up Eric). A special thanks here to Trin. Without you buddy, I have no idea how I would have made it through the D word!
But today I want to introduce someone who has become a big part of my life recently. Her name is Tina. We have been seeing each other for a short while and well, she is someone I hope to be hanging around for awhile. You see, she has been a single mother and has her PHD. Yep, she's a doc. There's a lot to respect there. And for those of you who know me, I have to have someone that can kick my ass once in awhile and she can. She does Tai Kwon Do (did I spell that right?) and she's just a couple belts away from getting her black belt. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce her because she may become a part of my posts in the future. And she's proof that the silver lining I talk about is real.
It could be worse:
Luckily I was born without the shy gene or I may have never met her.... or others in my life as well.
Life Coach:
Expect the positive and the positive will happen. Since I got divorced, actually for longer than that, I had a suspicion that there were great women out there. I was right. Sometimes the grass is greener, take a chance, be courageous. It may pay off.
Take a chance that you can improve your lot in life. Stay positive!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Silver Lining:
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hi all, I know it's been a couple days but I have been way busy playing catch up at work.
Silver lining:
Do you ever feel like vacation is just a reallocation of work? You just do more before you go on vacation and more when you get back. Well, that is exactly how I feel now, overwhelmed! I think I'd rather just keep working at a steady pace to be honest. Oh, I'm supposed to throw a silver lining in here right, not just complain. OK, here's the deal. With all the people out there out of work and trying to make ends meet, I shouldn't complain a bit. At least I am gainfully employed right? I do enjoy what I do and find it challenging so that is good.
It could be worse:
I could be unemployed and looking for employment in the current economy. If you're out there in this situation, well at least we have unemployment benefits in this country.
Life Coach:
I know I complained about vacation but it's important for all of us to take a break from time to time. Life gets going fast enough and we need to slow it down. Hey, this doesn't mean some fancy vacation far away. It could mean putting on some great music, having a drink w/ friends and relaxing in a lawn chair in your own backyard. Vacation is a state of mind not a particular location. Trust me on this.
Take a mini vacation this weekend somewhere close to home. Recharge those batteries!
Silver lining:
Do you ever feel like vacation is just a reallocation of work? You just do more before you go on vacation and more when you get back. Well, that is exactly how I feel now, overwhelmed! I think I'd rather just keep working at a steady pace to be honest. Oh, I'm supposed to throw a silver lining in here right, not just complain. OK, here's the deal. With all the people out there out of work and trying to make ends meet, I shouldn't complain a bit. At least I am gainfully employed right? I do enjoy what I do and find it challenging so that is good.
It could be worse:
I could be unemployed and looking for employment in the current economy. If you're out there in this situation, well at least we have unemployment benefits in this country.
Life Coach:
I know I complained about vacation but it's important for all of us to take a break from time to time. Life gets going fast enough and we need to slow it down. Hey, this doesn't mean some fancy vacation far away. It could mean putting on some great music, having a drink w/ friends and relaxing in a lawn chair in your own backyard. Vacation is a state of mind not a particular location. Trust me on this.
Take a mini vacation this weekend somewhere close to home. Recharge those batteries!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hi everyone, I have been is St. Louie for 4 days now.
Silver lining:
My kids team lost in the semis of the national Tier 2 USA Hockey tourney here in St. Louie. I'll tell you what, it was a frustrating game to watch last night but in the end, the better team that night won the game. The silver lining is that my kid got to participate in such a wonderful event against teams from all over the US. They run a first rate tourney and it was a lot of fun to be a part of all the festivities.
It could be worse:
I've always told my kids when they lose and are feeling frustrated to think of the kids that aren't able to play physically. Healthy kids take that for granted every day.
Life coach:
Don't be afraid to lose at something. Have the courage to try. I once heard that a hero dies but one death and a coward dies many times.
Try something, even if you may lose.
Silver lining:
My kids team lost in the semis of the national Tier 2 USA Hockey tourney here in St. Louie. I'll tell you what, it was a frustrating game to watch last night but in the end, the better team that night won the game. The silver lining is that my kid got to participate in such a wonderful event against teams from all over the US. They run a first rate tourney and it was a lot of fun to be a part of all the festivities.
It could be worse:
I've always told my kids when they lose and are feeling frustrated to think of the kids that aren't able to play physically. Healthy kids take that for granted every day.
Life coach:
Don't be afraid to lose at something. Have the courage to try. I once heard that a hero dies but one death and a coward dies many times.
Try something, even if you may lose.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hello all from St. Louis, the gateway to the west.
Silver lining:
Here is my story; I was going to drive to St. Louis on Tuesday for my kid's hockey tourney. But, they closed the interstate, big storm. So I got a cheap tickets through priceline and I flew out yesterday at 6pm. Took me 2 and a half hours to get to Fargo because of the flood detours. So I get to Fargo and all is well, fly to Ohare and that is when the trip started to go a bit south. The flight I was to get on got canceled. Well, instead of getting upset with the poor gal behind the counter, I asked her to help. Here is the silver lining part. She was really nice but told me she didn't have a flight that left until today, Thursday. I was bummed but she did put me on stand-by for a flight that was leaving in 10 minutes. While I was waiting for that flight, she waved me back over to the counter, told me she found a flight on another airline! So I walked about 3 miles to the wrong terminal, then another 2 miles to the correct one. Once I got there, I found out that my flight was delayed an hour. I did end up getting into St. Louis at about 12:30 am. Oh, and I sat next to a pilot that was really cool and we chatted the whole way. I know, imagine me being that outgoing.
But guess what happened when I went to get my checked bag?? Yep, you guessed it, it didn't make it. Again, I chatted w/ a very nice gal at the baggage claim area and she said they would deliver it today to the hotel. As of now it hasn't shown up yet. Here is the silver lining on that, I am able to go to a store and buy clothes and anything else I need. You can't do that in every country.
It could be worse:
Heck at least I'm here.
Life Coach:
Never and I mean never get upset at the airport. When I was chatting with the pilot, he affirmed what I already suspected. The gals/guys behind the counter at the airport can get things done or they can make your life worse. Be nice to them anyway, they're just trying to get through the day like the rest of us. In life you have no idea how you effect people. Positiveness can have a great ripple effect.
Be nice to someone in a customer service situation and see what happens. Even if you achieve the desired outcome, you won't be as upset about it.
Silver lining:
Here is my story; I was going to drive to St. Louis on Tuesday for my kid's hockey tourney. But, they closed the interstate, big storm. So I got a cheap tickets through priceline and I flew out yesterday at 6pm. Took me 2 and a half hours to get to Fargo because of the flood detours. So I get to Fargo and all is well, fly to Ohare and that is when the trip started to go a bit south. The flight I was to get on got canceled. Well, instead of getting upset with the poor gal behind the counter, I asked her to help. Here is the silver lining part. She was really nice but told me she didn't have a flight that left until today, Thursday. I was bummed but she did put me on stand-by for a flight that was leaving in 10 minutes. While I was waiting for that flight, she waved me back over to the counter, told me she found a flight on another airline! So I walked about 3 miles to the wrong terminal, then another 2 miles to the correct one. Once I got there, I found out that my flight was delayed an hour. I did end up getting into St. Louis at about 12:30 am. Oh, and I sat next to a pilot that was really cool and we chatted the whole way. I know, imagine me being that outgoing.
But guess what happened when I went to get my checked bag?? Yep, you guessed it, it didn't make it. Again, I chatted w/ a very nice gal at the baggage claim area and she said they would deliver it today to the hotel. As of now it hasn't shown up yet. Here is the silver lining on that, I am able to go to a store and buy clothes and anything else I need. You can't do that in every country.
It could be worse:
Heck at least I'm here.
Life Coach:
Never and I mean never get upset at the airport. When I was chatting with the pilot, he affirmed what I already suspected. The gals/guys behind the counter at the airport can get things done or they can make your life worse. Be nice to them anyway, they're just trying to get through the day like the rest of us. In life you have no idea how you effect people. Positiveness can have a great ripple effect.
Be nice to someone in a customer service situation and see what happens. Even if you achieve the desired outcome, you won't be as upset about it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hi there, just a reminder to tell your friends about the blog so I can help more people remain positive!
Silver Lining:
It's flood time again here in North Dakota. Fargo has been hit hard and the water is coming our way in Grand Forks. People are pretty anxious about it all. The silver lining here is the wonderful people in this area. So many have volunteered to include my younger boy. He is going to nationals for hockey this week yet he still spent all last week sandbagging. It blows me away how everyone around here just pitches in. It really warms my heart. For those of you who don't get why we live here, the answer is the people.
It could be worse:
The flood is a scary deal but at least Grand Forks has the money to protect it's citizens. The permanent flood wall was very expensive. What happens along the Amazon when it floods? Those people just suffer.
Life Coach:
I went out last night and had a great time with some friends. We danced to a great local band called identity 5. But here's the deal, too many people won't dance until they have been drinking. Come on people, what's the worst that can happen......no one freakin cares if you aren't a good dancer. Just have fun for goodness sake.
Thank someone for doing something out of the goodness of their heart.....and dance!!
Silver Lining:
It's flood time again here in North Dakota. Fargo has been hit hard and the water is coming our way in Grand Forks. People are pretty anxious about it all. The silver lining here is the wonderful people in this area. So many have volunteered to include my younger boy. He is going to nationals for hockey this week yet he still spent all last week sandbagging. It blows me away how everyone around here just pitches in. It really warms my heart. For those of you who don't get why we live here, the answer is the people.
It could be worse:
The flood is a scary deal but at least Grand Forks has the money to protect it's citizens. The permanent flood wall was very expensive. What happens along the Amazon when it floods? Those people just suffer.
Life Coach:
I went out last night and had a great time with some friends. We danced to a great local band called identity 5. But here's the deal, too many people won't dance until they have been drinking. Come on people, what's the worst that can happen......no one freakin cares if you aren't a good dancer. Just have fun for goodness sake.
Thank someone for doing something out of the goodness of their heart.....and dance!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Well, another day missed. But I do have a great excuse, more on that in a minute.
Silver Lining:
It all started last Thursday. I was hanging out in the greatest Pub in the free world, The Parrots Cay, when I spotted a friend of mine, we'll call her Suzy, dancing with a really old guy singing karaoke. Well, I couldn't help myself. I started teasing her big time. She then decided to slap me. I acted like it didn't hurt (being all macho) so she slaps me 3 times....hard. I blocked the 4th one and told her to stop. Anyway, fast forward to the next morning. Yep, you guessed it, my jaw hurt. I told myself I'd give it a week to heal before I went to the doc (I'm allergic to docs, except you Tina). Just wait, the silver lining is coming.
So at the doctors office I find out my jaws not broke. Apparently when we get older it takes more time for us to heal. But I also found out that I have really high blood pressure. I mean the doc was really concerned. Despite my efforts, he talked me into going on some meds to help control the blood pressure. He basically told me if I didn't take the meds I may have a heart attack or stroke at any time.
Oh wait, there's supposed to be a silver lining right?? So here it is, if "Suzy" doesn't slap me, I don't go into the doc for a long time knowing me and maybe I tip over at home..... Man, everything happens for a reason I guess.
This is a to be continued deal....I get to have a full physical in a couple weeks. I guess it's time since I haven't had one since 1998.
It could be worse:
Alright, I was walking in the mall yesterday and feeling pretty sorry for myself when I saw a flyer for a young, vibrant gal that is fighting some nasty cancer. Enuf said.
Life Coach:
Take care of yourself, don't treat your body like a cheap amusement ride or you may become me. I've been working on the mental side and well.....I neglected the physical side. This isn't about looking good in a bikini (I wear a one piece) or fitting into a wedding dress, this is about being around to see your grand kids.
Do something healthy, I can't believe I just wrote that.
Silver Lining:
It all started last Thursday. I was hanging out in the greatest Pub in the free world, The Parrots Cay, when I spotted a friend of mine, we'll call her Suzy, dancing with a really old guy singing karaoke. Well, I couldn't help myself. I started teasing her big time. She then decided to slap me. I acted like it didn't hurt (being all macho) so she slaps me 3 times....hard. I blocked the 4th one and told her to stop. Anyway, fast forward to the next morning. Yep, you guessed it, my jaw hurt. I told myself I'd give it a week to heal before I went to the doc (I'm allergic to docs, except you Tina). Just wait, the silver lining is coming.
So at the doctors office I find out my jaws not broke. Apparently when we get older it takes more time for us to heal. But I also found out that I have really high blood pressure. I mean the doc was really concerned. Despite my efforts, he talked me into going on some meds to help control the blood pressure. He basically told me if I didn't take the meds I may have a heart attack or stroke at any time.
Oh wait, there's supposed to be a silver lining right?? So here it is, if "Suzy" doesn't slap me, I don't go into the doc for a long time knowing me and maybe I tip over at home..... Man, everything happens for a reason I guess.
This is a to be continued deal....I get to have a full physical in a couple weeks. I guess it's time since I haven't had one since 1998.
It could be worse:
Alright, I was walking in the mall yesterday and feeling pretty sorry for myself when I saw a flyer for a young, vibrant gal that is fighting some nasty cancer. Enuf said.
Life Coach:
Take care of yourself, don't treat your body like a cheap amusement ride or you may become me. I've been working on the mental side and well.....I neglected the physical side. This isn't about looking good in a bikini (I wear a one piece) or fitting into a wedding dress, this is about being around to see your grand kids.
Do something healthy, I can't believe I just wrote that.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hello all, I missed yesterday. Oh well, it's gonna happen.
Silver Lining:
For those of you not in the great white north, we have about 5-6 inches of snow and they are talking about flooding again.
Now here's a challenge, where is the silver lining?
OK, first I am in a position that I can afford a four wheel drive truck so getting around in the snow is much easier than the old 2 wheel drive people...
Second, I have actually cleaned up my garage in preparation of flooding. And here's the deal, I can still choose to be in a good mood. My life, my choice. Heck, golf is only a month away here!
It could be worse:
I have a buddy who broke his ankle and is on crutches....in this weather. I also saw a person walking in 4 inches of snow with nothing but tennis shoes on. How can I get grumpy when I am in good health and I own a truck that gets me from here to there?
Life Coach:
I talked about making a choice earlier. We all have that ability but maybe some of us just don't use it well. We also all have trigger points, things that get our blood boiling etc. What if we really made an effort to pay attention to these times and made a conscience effort to change how we react. I mean, we really only can control how we react, not what others do.
One other point here, when we are anxious about something, preparing for it can make us feel better and "in control," at least somewhat.
Focus on a trigger point and strategize ways to control your reaction. Preparation can make all the difference.
Silver Lining:
For those of you not in the great white north, we have about 5-6 inches of snow and they are talking about flooding again.
Now here's a challenge, where is the silver lining?
OK, first I am in a position that I can afford a four wheel drive truck so getting around in the snow is much easier than the old 2 wheel drive people...
Second, I have actually cleaned up my garage in preparation of flooding. And here's the deal, I can still choose to be in a good mood. My life, my choice. Heck, golf is only a month away here!
It could be worse:
I have a buddy who broke his ankle and is on crutches....in this weather. I also saw a person walking in 4 inches of snow with nothing but tennis shoes on. How can I get grumpy when I am in good health and I own a truck that gets me from here to there?
Life Coach:
I talked about making a choice earlier. We all have that ability but maybe some of us just don't use it well. We also all have trigger points, things that get our blood boiling etc. What if we really made an effort to pay attention to these times and made a conscience effort to change how we react. I mean, we really only can control how we react, not what others do.
One other point here, when we are anxious about something, preparing for it can make us feel better and "in control," at least somewhat.
Focus on a trigger point and strategize ways to control your reaction. Preparation can make all the difference.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hello, happy Monday!
Silver lining:
So I get home from a crazy day of work today and go to my mailbox, something I don't do everyday. Well, what do I see but an envelope from the electric company that said to open immediately. I do and guess what??? It was a disconnect notice. Hmmm, great huh? You see, I pay my electricity bill on-line and apparently it didn't go through in Feb. Well, all I want to do is get out of my shirt and tie but I have to call on this. So where is the upside you say? First, the person I spoke to on the phone was great! I mean no one treats someone like that on the phone when they get a disconnect notice right? She was respectful and curtious. She even told me I was a valued customer! Then I found out my latest bill was really for 2 months because the online bill I paid in February never got to the company (had to pay less than I thought I would). I got it all straightened out and all is well.
Here is the point, a nice person can change a horrible situation and make it bearable.
It could be worse:
Look at the situation above, what if the person on the other end of the phone assumed the worst in me and was a jerk? Just imagine how frustrating it is for people in Russia when they have to wait in food lines. Oh yes, my sister lived in Moscow for about 5 years. She told me stories about the stores, they didn't have much of a selection, and also how horrible it was to try to get anything done if something went wrong.
Life Coach:
Be the gal at the electric company. Don't add to the negativity in the world. If you can make one person's day better, do it! It sure helped me today. I once heard that being nice didn't cost a dime. Corny, maybe but honestly, just be nice.
Your homework is simple. Make the choice to make someone's day. It may end up making your day.
Silver lining:
So I get home from a crazy day of work today and go to my mailbox, something I don't do everyday. Well, what do I see but an envelope from the electric company that said to open immediately. I do and guess what??? It was a disconnect notice. Hmmm, great huh? You see, I pay my electricity bill on-line and apparently it didn't go through in Feb. Well, all I want to do is get out of my shirt and tie but I have to call on this. So where is the upside you say? First, the person I spoke to on the phone was great! I mean no one treats someone like that on the phone when they get a disconnect notice right? She was respectful and curtious. She even told me I was a valued customer! Then I found out my latest bill was really for 2 months because the online bill I paid in February never got to the company (had to pay less than I thought I would). I got it all straightened out and all is well.
Here is the point, a nice person can change a horrible situation and make it bearable.
It could be worse:
Look at the situation above, what if the person on the other end of the phone assumed the worst in me and was a jerk? Just imagine how frustrating it is for people in Russia when they have to wait in food lines. Oh yes, my sister lived in Moscow for about 5 years. She told me stories about the stores, they didn't have much of a selection, and also how horrible it was to try to get anything done if something went wrong.
Life Coach:
Be the gal at the electric company. Don't add to the negativity in the world. If you can make one person's day better, do it! It sure helped me today. I once heard that being nice didn't cost a dime. Corny, maybe but honestly, just be nice.
Your homework is simple. Make the choice to make someone's day. It may end up making your day.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Welcome, thank you to the followers I have so far. Remember, if you have a situation you need some help with, shoot me an email. I'll keep it all confidential. Further, share this blog address with friends or family if you think it will help.
Silver Lining:
OK, I know most of us have too many things to do and not enough time to do them all right?? So how can we find the silver lining in this situation? Well, I can tell you the opposite situation is much worse. I once had a job in the Air Force where I had to be out in the missile field for 3 and a half days. I will tell you that I had about a half a days work to complete. I was bored out of my skull. Here's how bored I was. I beat the game Super Mario Brothers.....twice. And I didn't just beat it, I found all 96 levels both times. I also beat Zelda....twice. Man, the feeling I would have when I got home was an empty one. Consider this, remember how you felt the last time you got all your activities done. Now that is a good feeling, a feeling of accomplishment. My advice to you is to get them done one item at a time (be selfish, you first, see the life coach section below). Do the most dreaded item first to get it out of the way. And when you get em all done, celebrate! Go to Dairy Queen, have a glass of wine, do something for you!
It could be worse:
OK, we have to get groceries, help the kid with his school project, do laundry, get ready for work, clean the house, take the dog to the vet, etc. etc. Well, at least when you're thirsty you can just turn on the faucet and get a drink. In many countries getting clean drinkable water is a chore that takes a lot of time. Hey, at least our children have the ability to get an education. We know that there are many countries where education is reserved for the wealthy. Oh, and don't even think about the food situation. We are so lucky to have the variety of foods available to us. Anywho, the next time you feel overwhelmed, consider how fortunate we are!!
Life Coach:
So we are overwhelmed. Yep, it happens. Here's what we need to do, and it's going to sound crazy to some. We need to take care of ourselves......first. Yep, that's what I said. Too often we become martyrs. We have to do this for that person and that for another person. Well, what usually ends up happening is we resent those people or get frustrated when we finally get around to what we need for ourselves. What if you took care of yourself first then helped others? What if you were content before you reached out to help. Maybe we would be better suited to truly give if we felt good ourselves. I know, it's counter-intuitive. We've been raised to give first to others. Well, based on the results, how's that working out for you? Throw out the old antiquated notion that we derive our self-worth from what others think of us based on how much we give. Instead, take care of yourself, then if you want, help others. Trust me, you're mindset will be much improved. To sum it up, love yourself first, then love others.
Homework assignment:
Take care of your needs first, then see how it feels when you help others.
Silver Lining:
OK, I know most of us have too many things to do and not enough time to do them all right?? So how can we find the silver lining in this situation? Well, I can tell you the opposite situation is much worse. I once had a job in the Air Force where I had to be out in the missile field for 3 and a half days. I will tell you that I had about a half a days work to complete. I was bored out of my skull. Here's how bored I was. I beat the game Super Mario Brothers.....twice. And I didn't just beat it, I found all 96 levels both times. I also beat Zelda....twice. Man, the feeling I would have when I got home was an empty one. Consider this, remember how you felt the last time you got all your activities done. Now that is a good feeling, a feeling of accomplishment. My advice to you is to get them done one item at a time (be selfish, you first, see the life coach section below). Do the most dreaded item first to get it out of the way. And when you get em all done, celebrate! Go to Dairy Queen, have a glass of wine, do something for you!
It could be worse:
OK, we have to get groceries, help the kid with his school project, do laundry, get ready for work, clean the house, take the dog to the vet, etc. etc. Well, at least when you're thirsty you can just turn on the faucet and get a drink. In many countries getting clean drinkable water is a chore that takes a lot of time. Hey, at least our children have the ability to get an education. We know that there are many countries where education is reserved for the wealthy. Oh, and don't even think about the food situation. We are so lucky to have the variety of foods available to us. Anywho, the next time you feel overwhelmed, consider how fortunate we are!!
Life Coach:
So we are overwhelmed. Yep, it happens. Here's what we need to do, and it's going to sound crazy to some. We need to take care of ourselves......first. Yep, that's what I said. Too often we become martyrs. We have to do this for that person and that for another person. Well, what usually ends up happening is we resent those people or get frustrated when we finally get around to what we need for ourselves. What if you took care of yourself first then helped others? What if you were content before you reached out to help. Maybe we would be better suited to truly give if we felt good ourselves. I know, it's counter-intuitive. We've been raised to give first to others. Well, based on the results, how's that working out for you? Throw out the old antiquated notion that we derive our self-worth from what others think of us based on how much we give. Instead, take care of yourself, then if you want, help others. Trust me, you're mindset will be much improved. To sum it up, love yourself first, then love others.
Homework assignment:
Take care of your needs first, then see how it feels when you help others.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
So here is what I'm going to do, first I'm going to take a potentially negative thought or situation and show the silver lining.
Second, I'm going to talk about how things could be worse.
Finally, I may chat a bit about my opinion on some things, call this the life coach section if you will.
Feel free to reply to anything here. For example, if you are struggling to find the silver lining in a situation or you want some advice, just email me at mikemoody88@gmail.com.
So here goes:
Silver lining:
Well, let's start with a biggie. The economy. So now you're thinking, "OK, how is Mike going to make this one positive?" Well, what I have seen here locally and personally is this; people are getting back to the basics. They are finally figuring out what is important in life. Maybe this situation will show everyone that friends and family are more important than what you drive or where you live. I maintain that money will never buy me anything that truly makes me happy. My friends, my family, and my piece of mind bring joy to my life. Not how much money I have in a 401K.
Think about it this way, when you are in trouble, I mean really in a pickle, will money help? Maybe it can but when it runs out, friends and family will always be there.
Heck maybe if this keeps up, families will eat dinner at the table together, clean up the dishes together, then go and play a board game or actually engage in some mentally stimulating conversation. Wow, what if we started making our own fun instead of going out and buying it. I mean come on, we all remember when we were kids and we had more fun with the box than the actual toy. Remember when a stick was the most versatile toy we owned.
Look, relax and enjoy the things they don't sell in the store......family, friends, hey even a good book (from the library, remember where that is right?)
It could be worse:
OK, the economy is unstable etc. but we still live in the best country in the world. Yeah, I know its just my opinion but I would ask anyone to argue. Here is why I think it could be worse. I was watching Will Farrell doing a parody of George Bush on HBO. Very funny but it got me thinking, we are very lucky to live in a country where we can make fun of our leaders and be as critical as we want to be without worrying about the repercussions. My buddy was telling me about a couple that got caught having sex on the beach in Dubai recently. They are still in prison. How about the journalist in Iran that is still being detained. Yet in our country Michael Moore can produce movies ripping anything and anyone. Look, I don't have to agree with him but that's the point. I mean without an opposing viewpoint things can get a bit silly in irrational. So yeah, the United States isn't perfect, but I can write a blog about that fact and not worry about a knock on my door in the middle of the night from the KGB goons.
Life Coach:
OK, in this area I'm going to attempt to give you some thoughts , quotes, and ideas to take with you and use in your day to day life.
So here is a quote that I have always loved: "Dance like no one is watching." I love this quote because it truly means that you should just have fun and stop worrying about what others think. But maybe you're thinking, "People will laugh, think less of me etc." Consider this, think of someone you know that just can't dance that well. Do you like that person any less because of this fact?? Didn't think so. Well, why the heck would anyone think less of you then? Not convinced yet?? OK, how about this, do you know someone that seems fearless on Karaoke (sp)night? They maybe aren't the best singer but they get out there. Have you ever been a bit envious of that ability? Do you know what makes them go up there? Ask em. I bet they are more interested in enjoying themselves than looking silly.
Here is your homework assignment. Do something you want to do but have been afraid to do for whatever reason. Then when you're done....congratulate yourself!
Second, I'm going to talk about how things could be worse.
Finally, I may chat a bit about my opinion on some things, call this the life coach section if you will.
Feel free to reply to anything here. For example, if you are struggling to find the silver lining in a situation or you want some advice, just email me at mikemoody88@gmail.com.
So here goes:
Silver lining:
Well, let's start with a biggie. The economy. So now you're thinking, "OK, how is Mike going to make this one positive?" Well, what I have seen here locally and personally is this; people are getting back to the basics. They are finally figuring out what is important in life. Maybe this situation will show everyone that friends and family are more important than what you drive or where you live. I maintain that money will never buy me anything that truly makes me happy. My friends, my family, and my piece of mind bring joy to my life. Not how much money I have in a 401K.
Think about it this way, when you are in trouble, I mean really in a pickle, will money help? Maybe it can but when it runs out, friends and family will always be there.
Heck maybe if this keeps up, families will eat dinner at the table together, clean up the dishes together, then go and play a board game or actually engage in some mentally stimulating conversation. Wow, what if we started making our own fun instead of going out and buying it. I mean come on, we all remember when we were kids and we had more fun with the box than the actual toy. Remember when a stick was the most versatile toy we owned.
Look, relax and enjoy the things they don't sell in the store......family, friends, hey even a good book (from the library, remember where that is right?)
It could be worse:
OK, the economy is unstable etc. but we still live in the best country in the world. Yeah, I know its just my opinion but I would ask anyone to argue. Here is why I think it could be worse. I was watching Will Farrell doing a parody of George Bush on HBO. Very funny but it got me thinking, we are very lucky to live in a country where we can make fun of our leaders and be as critical as we want to be without worrying about the repercussions. My buddy was telling me about a couple that got caught having sex on the beach in Dubai recently. They are still in prison. How about the journalist in Iran that is still being detained. Yet in our country Michael Moore can produce movies ripping anything and anyone. Look, I don't have to agree with him but that's the point. I mean without an opposing viewpoint things can get a bit silly in irrational. So yeah, the United States isn't perfect, but I can write a blog about that fact and not worry about a knock on my door in the middle of the night from the KGB goons.
Life Coach:
OK, in this area I'm going to attempt to give you some thoughts , quotes, and ideas to take with you and use in your day to day life.
So here is a quote that I have always loved: "Dance like no one is watching." I love this quote because it truly means that you should just have fun and stop worrying about what others think. But maybe you're thinking, "People will laugh, think less of me etc." Consider this, think of someone you know that just can't dance that well. Do you like that person any less because of this fact?? Didn't think so. Well, why the heck would anyone think less of you then? Not convinced yet?? OK, how about this, do you know someone that seems fearless on Karaoke (sp)night? They maybe aren't the best singer but they get out there. Have you ever been a bit envious of that ability? Do you know what makes them go up there? Ask em. I bet they are more interested in enjoying themselves than looking silly.
Here is your homework assignment. Do something you want to do but have been afraid to do for whatever reason. Then when you're done....congratulate yourself!
Hello all,
Welcome to the Silverlining blog. The goal of this blog is to give a positive message to all the readers.
I will attempt to nudge your mental state from the negative side to the positive through my homespun ideas on the subject.
Further, I will share with you the thoughts and ideas I have used to attempt to maintain a positive outlook. Humor will be evident from time to time as well.
If I can help one of you.....it is worth every bit of my time.
Welcome to the Silverlining blog. The goal of this blog is to give a positive message to all the readers.
I will attempt to nudge your mental state from the negative side to the positive through my homespun ideas on the subject.
Further, I will share with you the thoughts and ideas I have used to attempt to maintain a positive outlook. Humor will be evident from time to time as well.
If I can help one of you.....it is worth every bit of my time.
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