Silver Lining:
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
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