Saturday, March 21, 2009

So here is what I'm going to do, first I'm going to take a potentially negative thought or situation and show the silver lining.

Second, I'm going to talk about how things could be worse.

Finally, I may chat a bit about my opinion on some things, call this the life coach section if you will.

Feel free to reply to anything here. For example, if you are struggling to find the silver lining in a situation or you want some advice, just email me at

So here goes:

Silver lining:

Well, let's start with a biggie. The economy. So now you're thinking, "OK, how is Mike going to make this one positive?" Well, what I have seen here locally and personally is this; people are getting back to the basics. They are finally figuring out what is important in life. Maybe this situation will show everyone that friends and family are more important than what you drive or where you live. I maintain that money will never buy me anything that truly makes me happy. My friends, my family, and my piece of mind bring joy to my life. Not how much money I have in a 401K.

Think about it this way, when you are in trouble, I mean really in a pickle, will money help? Maybe it can but when it runs out, friends and family will always be there.

Heck maybe if this keeps up, families will eat dinner at the table together, clean up the dishes together, then go and play a board game or actually engage in some mentally stimulating conversation. Wow, what if we started making our own fun instead of going out and buying it. I mean come on, we all remember when we were kids and we had more fun with the box than the actual toy. Remember when a stick was the most versatile toy we owned.

Look, relax and enjoy the things they don't sell in the, friends, hey even a good book (from the library, remember where that is right?)

It could be worse:

OK, the economy is unstable etc. but we still live in the best country in the world. Yeah, I know its just my opinion but I would ask anyone to argue. Here is why I think it could be worse. I was watching Will Farrell doing a parody of George Bush on HBO. Very funny but it got me thinking, we are very lucky to live in a country where we can make fun of our leaders and be as critical as we want to be without worrying about the repercussions. My buddy was telling me about a couple that got caught having sex on the beach in Dubai recently. They are still in prison. How about the journalist in Iran that is still being detained. Yet in our country Michael Moore can produce movies ripping anything and anyone. Look, I don't have to agree with him but that's the point. I mean without an opposing viewpoint things can get a bit silly in irrational. So yeah, the United States isn't perfect, but I can write a blog about that fact and not worry about a knock on my door in the middle of the night from the KGB goons.

Life Coach:

OK, in this area I'm going to attempt to give you some thoughts , quotes, and ideas to take with you and use in your day to day life.

So here is a quote that I have always loved: "Dance like no one is watching." I love this quote because it truly means that you should just have fun and stop worrying about what others think. But maybe you're thinking, "People will laugh, think less of me etc." Consider this, think of someone you know that just can't dance that well. Do you like that person any less because of this fact?? Didn't think so. Well, why the heck would anyone think less of you then? Not convinced yet?? OK, how about this, do you know someone that seems fearless on Karaoke (sp)night? They maybe aren't the best singer but they get out there. Have you ever been a bit envious of that ability? Do you know what makes them go up there? Ask em. I bet they are more interested in enjoying themselves than looking silly.

Here is your homework assignment. Do something you want to do but have been afraid to do for whatever reason. Then when you're done....congratulate yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I've put it out in computerland to my friends that I am going to participate in a walk for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation so I can form a team. I'm not just going to participate, but I'm going to get others to join me. The walk and the team building are two things that I never thought I'd actually do!
