Well, I know I haven't posted in a bit. Been busy taking care of some things. Nothing I want to get into here but suffice it to say, they haven't been exactly the most positive in the world.
Silver Lining:
Have you ever felt like you are the only broke SOB around? Well lately I have. I had some unforeseen expenses come up and BANG! no money. Well, I don't mind telling you it freaked me out but the good news here is I'm still able to go to work and earn. I should be thankful of that fact. Soon I'll have money again. Maybe everyone out there could just send a couple thousand my way! I know you guys all have extra money right?
It Could Be Worse:
My buddy hurt his back years ago and has been on permanent disability. He wants to work but is unable. Man, I feel for that guy. And with it all, he still maintains a pretty damn good attitude.....while in pain no less.
Life Coach:
Money has never bought me anything that truly made me happy. I make me happy. Me and me alone. We are all responsible for our own mindset. Its not wanting what you don't have but really having what you truly want that counts.
Make the decision to be happy regardless of your circumstances. It's your choice!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
OK, I'm back from lovely Minot, ND!
Silver Lining:
Well, last night I drove back from Minot in a snow storm.....and it's almost May! The roads were horrible and I couldn't drive over about 32 MPH! But you know what? I made it home alive. I said a prayer for my passengers. My boy, my buddy and his boy. It worked. We saw people go into the ditch. Stopped for the one young fella and when I got home i was sure happy to be there!
It Could Be Worse:
I have 4 wheel drive. Darn near everyone out there that didn't have it went into the ditch!
Life Coach:
Remember the times that were tough, scary whatever. But remember that you got through them. Sometimes we tend to forget the good feeling when we make it through crap like that. We should feel grateful more than we do.
Think about a time that was tough as hell and what you did and learned by getting through it.
Silver Lining:
Well, last night I drove back from Minot in a snow storm.....and it's almost May! The roads were horrible and I couldn't drive over about 32 MPH! But you know what? I made it home alive. I said a prayer for my passengers. My boy, my buddy and his boy. It worked. We saw people go into the ditch. Stopped for the one young fella and when I got home i was sure happy to be there!
It Could Be Worse:
I have 4 wheel drive. Darn near everyone out there that didn't have it went into the ditch!
Life Coach:
Remember the times that were tough, scary whatever. But remember that you got through them. Sometimes we tend to forget the good feeling when we make it through crap like that. We should feel grateful more than we do.
Think about a time that was tough as hell and what you did and learned by getting through it.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hi there! Just a note, I'm going out of town without computer access till Sunday night so enjoy your weekend and I'll blog again next week.
Silver Lining:
So here's a situation that was/is difficult to convert to a positive but here goes. I wasn't there for my girlfriend when she needed me. I had no idea she needed me, I was self absorbed in what I was doing and just didn't pay attention. So where's the silver lining? I think she's going to forgive me. She's got a great heart and I don't know if I deserve her but man I tell you, the people I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know have made my life much better.
It Could Be Worse:
What if there wasn't anyone in your life that cared enough about you to be upset when you weren't there for them? Hey at least she digs me enough right?
Life Coach:
Learn from me, pay attention to the ones that you care for, sometimes you don't get a second chance. What else is more important?
Pay attention to your loved ones! Heck, fight for feedback, ask em how they're doing and attend to the conversation.
Silver Lining:
So here's a situation that was/is difficult to convert to a positive but here goes. I wasn't there for my girlfriend when she needed me. I had no idea she needed me, I was self absorbed in what I was doing and just didn't pay attention. So where's the silver lining? I think she's going to forgive me. She's got a great heart and I don't know if I deserve her but man I tell you, the people I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know have made my life much better.
It Could Be Worse:
What if there wasn't anyone in your life that cared enough about you to be upset when you weren't there for them? Hey at least she digs me enough right?
Life Coach:
Learn from me, pay attention to the ones that you care for, sometimes you don't get a second chance. What else is more important?
Pay attention to your loved ones! Heck, fight for feedback, ask em how they're doing and attend to the conversation.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hi everyone!
Silver Lining:
Well its Sunday. My favorite day of the week! Yesterday i spent the day getting a tattoo to cover over one that I got when I was about 20. It had my ex-wife's name on it. Here's some obvious advice.....don't ever do that! So the process of getting a tattoo was painful. I know maybe I'm just being a wimp here but I was in the chair for over 4 hours. The silver lining here is the people at Tank's Tattoos in Glyndon, MN were great! I had my girlfriend with as well so it was much better than going alone. Check out the pick of the tattoo here. In the cross you can see the initials J L S. Those are Jason Stadstad's initials. He was a young man that died of cancer way too young. Great kid, great family and I told his mother Shelly that I would get a J L S tattoo. Further, the wings symbolize his freedom (in death) from the cancer. The cross speaks to the young mans faith. Anyway here it is.
It Could Be Worse:
Hey, I'm glad all the people at Tanks were great. I'm sure there are some horrible tattoo experiences out there but this definitely wasn't one of them. Tanks specializes in fixing other tattoo artists screw ups. They are very good. The gal that did mine has tattooed band members from Cinderella and Firehouse!
Life Coach:
Just go for it, don't worry about what others think. The courageous are rewarded! You want to get inked, do it!
Do something that you have been thinking about but are a bit afraid to do!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hello all, hope you're having a great week!
So for those of you that know me well you know I have an unhealthy fascination with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland. I joke but I think she's a great looking gal and from the interviews etc. that I have seen, she hasn't let her fame get to her head. Well guess what?? I'm going to see her in concert tonight! For all of us that aren't getting any younger it's gonna be a late night but worth it.
But what I'm getting at here is it's OK to have people that we look up to and admire. Entertainment has been around since the dawn of time. It's there to allow us a slight respite from the realities of life. I maintain that music is food for the soul (if you believe in that). Either way, we all have a song that makes us smile. Every person that has the ability to create a song from nothing that makes us smile truly is a blessing. The silver lining here should be obvious but there is one thing to be cautious of, don't fall into the trap of being envious. Just enjoy! We all have things we excel at, if it isn't music then just enjoy those that got that set of genes.
It could be worse:
What if music was difficult to come by? What if you weren't able to hear? Man, forget it. A day without music would be sad. Ask around, I sing, whistle, play the bass, listen to music (way to loud usually) every day. If you are able to freely listen.....then thank your lucky stars.
Life coach:
I was talking to my landord Marlys the other day and she said her sister has been able to decrease her blood pressure by meditating. Not in the traditional sense but by putting on some soothing music and just relaxing. She said her sister now cherishes these quiet times. On a related note did you know a recent study showed that when you listen to classical music your brain activity increases? Hey don't discount the magic of music!
Turn down the lights, turn off the tv, get comfy, turn on some great music, shut your eyes and just relax. It may help to visualize a place of contentment. If you try it, drop me a note. I would love to here how it went.
So for those of you that know me well you know I have an unhealthy fascination with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland. I joke but I think she's a great looking gal and from the interviews etc. that I have seen, she hasn't let her fame get to her head. Well guess what?? I'm going to see her in concert tonight! For all of us that aren't getting any younger it's gonna be a late night but worth it.
But what I'm getting at here is it's OK to have people that we look up to and admire. Entertainment has been around since the dawn of time. It's there to allow us a slight respite from the realities of life. I maintain that music is food for the soul (if you believe in that). Either way, we all have a song that makes us smile. Every person that has the ability to create a song from nothing that makes us smile truly is a blessing. The silver lining here should be obvious but there is one thing to be cautious of, don't fall into the trap of being envious. Just enjoy! We all have things we excel at, if it isn't music then just enjoy those that got that set of genes.
It could be worse:
What if music was difficult to come by? What if you weren't able to hear? Man, forget it. A day without music would be sad. Ask around, I sing, whistle, play the bass, listen to music (way to loud usually) every day. If you are able to freely listen.....then thank your lucky stars.
Life coach:
I was talking to my landord Marlys the other day and she said her sister has been able to decrease her blood pressure by meditating. Not in the traditional sense but by putting on some soothing music and just relaxing. She said her sister now cherishes these quiet times. On a related note did you know a recent study showed that when you listen to classical music your brain activity increases? Hey don't discount the magic of music!
Turn down the lights, turn off the tv, get comfy, turn on some great music, shut your eyes and just relax. It may help to visualize a place of contentment. If you try it, drop me a note. I would love to here how it went.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hello all. I would love some feedback on what you'd like to see me talk about here. Just shoot me an email at mikemoody88@gmail.com or comment here on the blog.
Silver lining:
Well, I think I'm getting over the blues from the anniversary of my Mom's passing. Thank you to everyone that had me in their thoughts and prayers. It seems that whoever is up there in charge gives and takes away. While my Mother is no longer here, I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in the last couple years. I have been through some crap but for every negative thing that has happened (divorce, not seeing my kids all the time, Mom passing) I have been blessed with great friends.
Recently I went back to Oregon and my great friend Lisa set up a mini reunion of sorts. I got to see my old band mates and we jammed. What a blast. I've also been talking to my oldest buddy Chris Leader on a regular basis. They just don't make em better than that guy.
Also, I have gotten closer to Trin, Eric, Todd, Larry, Jerry, and Rick. Some great buddies here that have helped me through a lot. Helped me laugh, listened and told me I'm full of shit (shut up Eric). A special thanks here to Trin. Without you buddy, I have no idea how I would have made it through the D word!
But today I want to introduce someone who has become a big part of my life recently. Her name is Tina. We have been seeing each other for a short while and well, she is someone I hope to be hanging around for awhile. You see, she has been a single mother and has her PHD. Yep, she's a doc. There's a lot to respect there. And for those of you who know me, I have to have someone that can kick my ass once in awhile and she can. She does Tai Kwon Do (did I spell that right?) and she's just a couple belts away from getting her black belt. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce her because she may become a part of my posts in the future. And she's proof that the silver lining I talk about is real.
It could be worse:
Luckily I was born without the shy gene or I may have never met her.... or others in my life as well.
Life Coach:
Expect the positive and the positive will happen. Since I got divorced, actually for longer than that, I had a suspicion that there were great women out there. I was right. Sometimes the grass is greener, take a chance, be courageous. It may pay off.
Take a chance that you can improve your lot in life. Stay positive!
Silver lining:
Well, I think I'm getting over the blues from the anniversary of my Mom's passing. Thank you to everyone that had me in their thoughts and prayers. It seems that whoever is up there in charge gives and takes away. While my Mother is no longer here, I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in the last couple years. I have been through some crap but for every negative thing that has happened (divorce, not seeing my kids all the time, Mom passing) I have been blessed with great friends.
Recently I went back to Oregon and my great friend Lisa set up a mini reunion of sorts. I got to see my old band mates and we jammed. What a blast. I've also been talking to my oldest buddy Chris Leader on a regular basis. They just don't make em better than that guy.
Also, I have gotten closer to Trin, Eric, Todd, Larry, Jerry, and Rick. Some great buddies here that have helped me through a lot. Helped me laugh, listened and told me I'm full of shit (shut up Eric). A special thanks here to Trin. Without you buddy, I have no idea how I would have made it through the D word!
But today I want to introduce someone who has become a big part of my life recently. Her name is Tina. We have been seeing each other for a short while and well, she is someone I hope to be hanging around for awhile. You see, she has been a single mother and has her PHD. Yep, she's a doc. There's a lot to respect there. And for those of you who know me, I have to have someone that can kick my ass once in awhile and she can. She does Tai Kwon Do (did I spell that right?) and she's just a couple belts away from getting her black belt. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce her because she may become a part of my posts in the future. And she's proof that the silver lining I talk about is real.
It could be worse:
Luckily I was born without the shy gene or I may have never met her.... or others in my life as well.
Life Coach:
Expect the positive and the positive will happen. Since I got divorced, actually for longer than that, I had a suspicion that there were great women out there. I was right. Sometimes the grass is greener, take a chance, be courageous. It may pay off.
Take a chance that you can improve your lot in life. Stay positive!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Silver Lining:
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
Well here we are, it's the night before Easter Sunday. I guess Easter just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. You see my mother passed on last year on Easter. So how the heck can I get a silver lining from that fact?? I'll tell you one thing, my mother was one of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She had a great sense of humor and always had a twinkle in her eye. I guess what I'm saying is we should all just thank our lucky stars that we have or have had people in our lives that touch us like this. Heck, I hope when I'm no longer here someone will say or write something great about me. Life is truly about how you have effected others. That's what you leave behind.
It could be worse:
Hey, I had the chance to be raised by one heck of a lady. I know people that either don't know their parents or have lost them very early in life. Bless all those that didn't have a chance to know their parents.
Life coach:
We really shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. You know there really isn't much in life that is so important that it should get between you and those you love. This is for you parents out there; give your kids a break and let em be kids. And kids, give your parents a break, they aren't perfect but I bet they love the heck right out of you.
Tell somebody you love em. Forget their flaws and embrace who they are, not who you want them to become!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hi all, I know it's been a couple days but I have been way busy playing catch up at work.
Silver lining:
Do you ever feel like vacation is just a reallocation of work? You just do more before you go on vacation and more when you get back. Well, that is exactly how I feel now, overwhelmed! I think I'd rather just keep working at a steady pace to be honest. Oh, I'm supposed to throw a silver lining in here right, not just complain. OK, here's the deal. With all the people out there out of work and trying to make ends meet, I shouldn't complain a bit. At least I am gainfully employed right? I do enjoy what I do and find it challenging so that is good.
It could be worse:
I could be unemployed and looking for employment in the current economy. If you're out there in this situation, well at least we have unemployment benefits in this country.
Life Coach:
I know I complained about vacation but it's important for all of us to take a break from time to time. Life gets going fast enough and we need to slow it down. Hey, this doesn't mean some fancy vacation far away. It could mean putting on some great music, having a drink w/ friends and relaxing in a lawn chair in your own backyard. Vacation is a state of mind not a particular location. Trust me on this.
Take a mini vacation this weekend somewhere close to home. Recharge those batteries!
Silver lining:
Do you ever feel like vacation is just a reallocation of work? You just do more before you go on vacation and more when you get back. Well, that is exactly how I feel now, overwhelmed! I think I'd rather just keep working at a steady pace to be honest. Oh, I'm supposed to throw a silver lining in here right, not just complain. OK, here's the deal. With all the people out there out of work and trying to make ends meet, I shouldn't complain a bit. At least I am gainfully employed right? I do enjoy what I do and find it challenging so that is good.
It could be worse:
I could be unemployed and looking for employment in the current economy. If you're out there in this situation, well at least we have unemployment benefits in this country.
Life Coach:
I know I complained about vacation but it's important for all of us to take a break from time to time. Life gets going fast enough and we need to slow it down. Hey, this doesn't mean some fancy vacation far away. It could mean putting on some great music, having a drink w/ friends and relaxing in a lawn chair in your own backyard. Vacation is a state of mind not a particular location. Trust me on this.
Take a mini vacation this weekend somewhere close to home. Recharge those batteries!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hi everyone, I have been is St. Louie for 4 days now.
Silver lining:
My kids team lost in the semis of the national Tier 2 USA Hockey tourney here in St. Louie. I'll tell you what, it was a frustrating game to watch last night but in the end, the better team that night won the game. The silver lining is that my kid got to participate in such a wonderful event against teams from all over the US. They run a first rate tourney and it was a lot of fun to be a part of all the festivities.
It could be worse:
I've always told my kids when they lose and are feeling frustrated to think of the kids that aren't able to play physically. Healthy kids take that for granted every day.
Life coach:
Don't be afraid to lose at something. Have the courage to try. I once heard that a hero dies but one death and a coward dies many times.
Try something, even if you may lose.
Silver lining:
My kids team lost in the semis of the national Tier 2 USA Hockey tourney here in St. Louie. I'll tell you what, it was a frustrating game to watch last night but in the end, the better team that night won the game. The silver lining is that my kid got to participate in such a wonderful event against teams from all over the US. They run a first rate tourney and it was a lot of fun to be a part of all the festivities.
It could be worse:
I've always told my kids when they lose and are feeling frustrated to think of the kids that aren't able to play physically. Healthy kids take that for granted every day.
Life coach:
Don't be afraid to lose at something. Have the courage to try. I once heard that a hero dies but one death and a coward dies many times.
Try something, even if you may lose.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hello all from St. Louis, the gateway to the west.
Silver lining:
Here is my story; I was going to drive to St. Louis on Tuesday for my kid's hockey tourney. But, they closed the interstate, big storm. So I got a cheap tickets through priceline and I flew out yesterday at 6pm. Took me 2 and a half hours to get to Fargo because of the flood detours. So I get to Fargo and all is well, fly to Ohare and that is when the trip started to go a bit south. The flight I was to get on got canceled. Well, instead of getting upset with the poor gal behind the counter, I asked her to help. Here is the silver lining part. She was really nice but told me she didn't have a flight that left until today, Thursday. I was bummed but she did put me on stand-by for a flight that was leaving in 10 minutes. While I was waiting for that flight, she waved me back over to the counter, told me she found a flight on another airline! So I walked about 3 miles to the wrong terminal, then another 2 miles to the correct one. Once I got there, I found out that my flight was delayed an hour. I did end up getting into St. Louis at about 12:30 am. Oh, and I sat next to a pilot that was really cool and we chatted the whole way. I know, imagine me being that outgoing.
But guess what happened when I went to get my checked bag?? Yep, you guessed it, it didn't make it. Again, I chatted w/ a very nice gal at the baggage claim area and she said they would deliver it today to the hotel. As of now it hasn't shown up yet. Here is the silver lining on that, I am able to go to a store and buy clothes and anything else I need. You can't do that in every country.
It could be worse:
Heck at least I'm here.
Life Coach:
Never and I mean never get upset at the airport. When I was chatting with the pilot, he affirmed what I already suspected. The gals/guys behind the counter at the airport can get things done or they can make your life worse. Be nice to them anyway, they're just trying to get through the day like the rest of us. In life you have no idea how you effect people. Positiveness can have a great ripple effect.
Be nice to someone in a customer service situation and see what happens. Even if you achieve the desired outcome, you won't be as upset about it.
Silver lining:
Here is my story; I was going to drive to St. Louis on Tuesday for my kid's hockey tourney. But, they closed the interstate, big storm. So I got a cheap tickets through priceline and I flew out yesterday at 6pm. Took me 2 and a half hours to get to Fargo because of the flood detours. So I get to Fargo and all is well, fly to Ohare and that is when the trip started to go a bit south. The flight I was to get on got canceled. Well, instead of getting upset with the poor gal behind the counter, I asked her to help. Here is the silver lining part. She was really nice but told me she didn't have a flight that left until today, Thursday. I was bummed but she did put me on stand-by for a flight that was leaving in 10 minutes. While I was waiting for that flight, she waved me back over to the counter, told me she found a flight on another airline! So I walked about 3 miles to the wrong terminal, then another 2 miles to the correct one. Once I got there, I found out that my flight was delayed an hour. I did end up getting into St. Louis at about 12:30 am. Oh, and I sat next to a pilot that was really cool and we chatted the whole way. I know, imagine me being that outgoing.
But guess what happened when I went to get my checked bag?? Yep, you guessed it, it didn't make it. Again, I chatted w/ a very nice gal at the baggage claim area and she said they would deliver it today to the hotel. As of now it hasn't shown up yet. Here is the silver lining on that, I am able to go to a store and buy clothes and anything else I need. You can't do that in every country.
It could be worse:
Heck at least I'm here.
Life Coach:
Never and I mean never get upset at the airport. When I was chatting with the pilot, he affirmed what I already suspected. The gals/guys behind the counter at the airport can get things done or they can make your life worse. Be nice to them anyway, they're just trying to get through the day like the rest of us. In life you have no idea how you effect people. Positiveness can have a great ripple effect.
Be nice to someone in a customer service situation and see what happens. Even if you achieve the desired outcome, you won't be as upset about it.
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