Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi there, just a reminder to tell your friends about the blog so I can help more people remain positive!

Silver Lining:

It's flood time again here in North Dakota. Fargo has been hit hard and the water is coming our way in Grand Forks. People are pretty anxious about it all. The silver lining here is the wonderful people in this area. So many have volunteered to include my younger boy. He is going to nationals for hockey this week yet he still spent all last week sandbagging. It blows me away how everyone around here just pitches in. It really warms my heart. For those of you who don't get why we live here, the answer is the people.

It could be worse:

The flood is a scary deal but at least Grand Forks has the money to protect it's citizens. The permanent flood wall was very expensive. What happens along the Amazon when it floods? Those people just suffer.

Life Coach:

I went out last night and had a great time with some friends. We danced to a great local band called identity 5. But here's the deal, too many people won't dance until they have been drinking. Come on people, what's the worst that can one freakin cares if you aren't a good dancer. Just have fun for goodness sake.


Thank someone for doing something out of the goodness of their heart.....and dance!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, another day missed. But I do have a great excuse, more on that in a minute.

Silver Lining:

It all started last Thursday. I was hanging out in the greatest Pub in the free world, The Parrots Cay, when I spotted a friend of mine, we'll call her Suzy, dancing with a really old guy singing karaoke. Well, I couldn't help myself. I started teasing her big time. She then decided to slap me. I acted like it didn't hurt (being all macho) so she slaps me 3 times....hard. I blocked the 4th one and told her to stop. Anyway, fast forward to the next morning. Yep, you guessed it, my jaw hurt. I told myself I'd give it a week to heal before I went to the doc (I'm allergic to docs, except you Tina). Just wait, the silver lining is coming.

So at the doctors office I find out my jaws not broke. Apparently when we get older it takes more time for us to heal. But I also found out that I have really high blood pressure. I mean the doc was really concerned. Despite my efforts, he talked me into going on some meds to help control the blood pressure. He basically told me if I didn't take the meds I may have a heart attack or stroke at any time.

Oh wait, there's supposed to be a silver lining right?? So here it is, if "Suzy" doesn't slap me, I don't go into the doc for a long time knowing me and maybe I tip over at home..... Man, everything happens for a reason I guess.

This is a to be continued deal....I get to have a full physical in a couple weeks. I guess it's time since I haven't had one since 1998.

It could be worse:

Alright, I was walking in the mall yesterday and feeling pretty sorry for myself when I saw a flyer for a young, vibrant gal that is fighting some nasty cancer. Enuf said.

Life Coach:

Take care of yourself, don't treat your body like a cheap amusement ride or you may become me. I've been working on the mental side and well.....I neglected the physical side. This isn't about looking good in a bikini (I wear a one piece) or fitting into a wedding dress, this is about being around to see your grand kids.

Do something healthy, I can't believe I just wrote that.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello all, I missed yesterday. Oh well, it's gonna happen.

Silver Lining:

For those of you not in the great white north, we have about 5-6 inches of snow and they are talking about flooding again.

Now here's a challenge, where is the silver lining?

OK, first I am in a position that I can afford a four wheel drive truck so getting around in the snow is much easier than the old 2 wheel drive people...
Second, I have actually cleaned up my garage in preparation of flooding. And here's the deal, I can still choose to be in a good mood. My life, my choice. Heck, golf is only a month away here!

It could be worse:

I have a buddy who broke his ankle and is on this weather. I also saw a person walking in 4 inches of snow with nothing but tennis shoes on. How can I get grumpy when I am in good health and I own a truck that gets me from here to there?

Life Coach:

I talked about making a choice earlier. We all have that ability but maybe some of us just don't use it well. We also all have trigger points, things that get our blood boiling etc. What if we really made an effort to pay attention to these times and made a conscience effort to change how we react. I mean, we really only can control how we react, not what others do.

One other point here, when we are anxious about something, preparing for it can make us feel better and "in control," at least somewhat.

Focus on a trigger point and strategize ways to control your reaction. Preparation can make all the difference.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hello, happy Monday!

Silver lining:

So I get home from a crazy day of work today and go to my mailbox, something I don't do everyday. Well, what do I see but an envelope from the electric company that said to open immediately. I do and guess what??? It was a disconnect notice. Hmmm, great huh? You see, I pay my electricity bill on-line and apparently it didn't go through in Feb. Well, all I want to do is get out of my shirt and tie but I have to call on this. So where is the upside you say? First, the person I spoke to on the phone was great! I mean no one treats someone like that on the phone when they get a disconnect notice right? She was respectful and curtious. She even told me I was a valued customer! Then I found out my latest bill was really for 2 months because the online bill I paid in February never got to the company (had to pay less than I thought I would). I got it all straightened out and all is well.

Here is the point, a nice person can change a horrible situation and make it bearable.

It could be worse:

Look at the situation above, what if the person on the other end of the phone assumed the worst in me and was a jerk? Just imagine how frustrating it is for people in Russia when they have to wait in food lines. Oh yes, my sister lived in Moscow for about 5 years. She told me stories about the stores, they didn't have much of a selection, and also how horrible it was to try to get anything done if something went wrong.

Life Coach:

Be the gal at the electric company. Don't add to the negativity in the world. If you can make one person's day better, do it! It sure helped me today. I once heard that being nice didn't cost a dime. Corny, maybe but honestly, just be nice.

Your homework is simple. Make the choice to make someone's day. It may end up making your day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome, thank you to the followers I have so far. Remember, if you have a situation you need some help with, shoot me an email. I'll keep it all confidential. Further, share this blog address with friends or family if you think it will help.

Silver Lining:

OK, I know most of us have too many things to do and not enough time to do them all right?? So how can we find the silver lining in this situation? Well, I can tell you the opposite situation is much worse. I once had a job in the Air Force where I had to be out in the missile field for 3 and a half days. I will tell you that I had about a half a days work to complete. I was bored out of my skull. Here's how bored I was. I beat the game Super Mario Brothers.....twice. And I didn't just beat it, I found all 96 levels both times. I also beat Zelda....twice. Man, the feeling I would have when I got home was an empty one. Consider this, remember how you felt the last time you got all your activities done. Now that is a good feeling, a feeling of accomplishment. My advice to you is to get them done one item at a time (be selfish, you first, see the life coach section below). Do the most dreaded item first to get it out of the way. And when you get em all done, celebrate! Go to Dairy Queen, have a glass of wine, do something for you!

It could be worse:

OK, we have to get groceries, help the kid with his school project, do laundry, get ready for work, clean the house, take the dog to the vet, etc. etc. Well, at least when you're thirsty you can just turn on the faucet and get a drink. In many countries getting clean drinkable water is a chore that takes a lot of time. Hey, at least our children have the ability to get an education. We know that there are many countries where education is reserved for the wealthy. Oh, and don't even think about the food situation. We are so lucky to have the variety of foods available to us. Anywho, the next time you feel overwhelmed, consider how fortunate we are!!

Life Coach:

So we are overwhelmed. Yep, it happens. Here's what we need to do, and it's going to sound crazy to some. We need to take care of ourselves......first. Yep, that's what I said. Too often we become martyrs. We have to do this for that person and that for another person. Well, what usually ends up happening is we resent those people or get frustrated when we finally get around to what we need for ourselves. What if you took care of yourself first then helped others? What if you were content before you reached out to help. Maybe we would be better suited to truly give if we felt good ourselves. I know, it's counter-intuitive. We've been raised to give first to others. Well, based on the results, how's that working out for you? Throw out the old antiquated notion that we derive our self-worth from what others think of us based on how much we give. Instead, take care of yourself, then if you want, help others. Trust me, you're mindset will be much improved. To sum it up, love yourself first, then love others.

Homework assignment:
Take care of your needs first, then see how it feels when you help others.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So here is what I'm going to do, first I'm going to take a potentially negative thought or situation and show the silver lining.

Second, I'm going to talk about how things could be worse.

Finally, I may chat a bit about my opinion on some things, call this the life coach section if you will.

Feel free to reply to anything here. For example, if you are struggling to find the silver lining in a situation or you want some advice, just email me at

So here goes:

Silver lining:

Well, let's start with a biggie. The economy. So now you're thinking, "OK, how is Mike going to make this one positive?" Well, what I have seen here locally and personally is this; people are getting back to the basics. They are finally figuring out what is important in life. Maybe this situation will show everyone that friends and family are more important than what you drive or where you live. I maintain that money will never buy me anything that truly makes me happy. My friends, my family, and my piece of mind bring joy to my life. Not how much money I have in a 401K.

Think about it this way, when you are in trouble, I mean really in a pickle, will money help? Maybe it can but when it runs out, friends and family will always be there.

Heck maybe if this keeps up, families will eat dinner at the table together, clean up the dishes together, then go and play a board game or actually engage in some mentally stimulating conversation. Wow, what if we started making our own fun instead of going out and buying it. I mean come on, we all remember when we were kids and we had more fun with the box than the actual toy. Remember when a stick was the most versatile toy we owned.

Look, relax and enjoy the things they don't sell in the, friends, hey even a good book (from the library, remember where that is right?)

It could be worse:

OK, the economy is unstable etc. but we still live in the best country in the world. Yeah, I know its just my opinion but I would ask anyone to argue. Here is why I think it could be worse. I was watching Will Farrell doing a parody of George Bush on HBO. Very funny but it got me thinking, we are very lucky to live in a country where we can make fun of our leaders and be as critical as we want to be without worrying about the repercussions. My buddy was telling me about a couple that got caught having sex on the beach in Dubai recently. They are still in prison. How about the journalist in Iran that is still being detained. Yet in our country Michael Moore can produce movies ripping anything and anyone. Look, I don't have to agree with him but that's the point. I mean without an opposing viewpoint things can get a bit silly in irrational. So yeah, the United States isn't perfect, but I can write a blog about that fact and not worry about a knock on my door in the middle of the night from the KGB goons.

Life Coach:

OK, in this area I'm going to attempt to give you some thoughts , quotes, and ideas to take with you and use in your day to day life.

So here is a quote that I have always loved: "Dance like no one is watching." I love this quote because it truly means that you should just have fun and stop worrying about what others think. But maybe you're thinking, "People will laugh, think less of me etc." Consider this, think of someone you know that just can't dance that well. Do you like that person any less because of this fact?? Didn't think so. Well, why the heck would anyone think less of you then? Not convinced yet?? OK, how about this, do you know someone that seems fearless on Karaoke (sp)night? They maybe aren't the best singer but they get out there. Have you ever been a bit envious of that ability? Do you know what makes them go up there? Ask em. I bet they are more interested in enjoying themselves than looking silly.

Here is your homework assignment. Do something you want to do but have been afraid to do for whatever reason. Then when you're done....congratulate yourself!


Hello all,

Welcome to the Silverlining blog. The goal of this blog is to give a positive message to all the readers.

I will attempt to nudge your mental state from the negative side to the positive through my homespun ideas on the subject.

Further, I will share with you the thoughts and ideas I have used to attempt to maintain a positive outlook. Humor will be evident from time to time as well.

If I can help one of is worth every bit of my time.